Lifeline Kilkenny is hosting a public information evening with the launch of its new website at Ossory Youth, Desert Hall, New Street, Kilkenny, on October 7, from 7pm to 9pm.
Coinciding with World Mental Health Day on October 10, and World Suicide Prevention Day in September 2010, Lifeline Kilkenny will hold this public evening with information stands from a range of different groups such as The Samaritans and Kilkenny Bereavement Support Group.
At 8pm Sue Nunn from KCLR and Sean McCarthy from the Regional Suicide Resource office HSE South will officially launch Lifeline’s new provisional website. The website will be developed to act as a linking point for information and available supports in relation to suicide prevention, intervention, post-vention, and news for upcoming events and activities.
World Suicide Prevention Day promotes worldwide commitment and action to prevent suicide, as almost 3,000 people die by suicide daily around the world. Marking World Mental Health Day on October 10, Lifeline Kilkenny endeavours to raise public awareness about the importance of mental health and working towards preventing suicide, while highlighting the supports available for those in the aftermath of a suicide.
The Lifeline Network began in 2004 as a collaboration by Ossory Youth, the Samaritans, the HSE, SHINE, Kilkenny Bereavement Support, Rainbows, and interested individuals.
“As part of our activities we are holding this public evening and also on the evening, we would be delighted to talk to groups interested in finding out more about the Lifeline network or becoming more involved with the group,” said Dave Gray of Ossory Youth. “This is especially relevant given that next year will see Lifeline significantly increase its capacity and activities.
“We are inviting all relevant service providers to come on board and help us develop this innovative network and shape the future of Lifeline. The ethos of the network is to support services in working together and in doing this we can make a difference for Kilkenny.”
For further information please contact Dave Gray, Ossory Youth on 087 0525266 or Elinor Mountain, HSE, and Foroige on 086 8179459.