€1,000 bowling prize fund

Do you fancy winning a share of €1,000 just for bowling? Well it could be you and your friends if you sign up for the new bowling league Tuesday Trios in KBowl. It takes place every Tuesday at 8pm. There are five bowlers on a squad and three must play each night.

Participants do not have to be expert bowlers as a handicap system will be operated whereby each bowler gets a handicap based on his/her score. This means that matches are more competitive and no result can be taken for granted.

Everyone playing in the league gets a 20 per cent discount on practice sessions. The league itself costs €10 per person per night. The league commences on Tuesday September 28 and will run over 10 weeks.

Bowling is one of the world’s most popular pastimes being enjoyed by millions across the world. KBowl is a fantastic modern family friendly facility in Kilkenny and is ideal for parties and family fun.

For more information on the Tuesday Trios bowling league, contact Martina Kenny or any staff member in KBowl on 056-7788200.


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