Keeping the streets clean

Keeping the streets clean

Kilkenny City saw the arrival of a new street sweeping crew last Friday afternoon.

The team worked their way around the city, reminding passing pedestrians of the importance of keeping the region litter free in order to protect our heritage as part of Heritage Week.

Representatives of Kilkenny Borough Council, Keep Kilkenny Beautiful, the Heritage Officer and the Environmental Awareness Officer were on hand to welcome them.

‘Don’t Rubbish our Heritage’ was an anti-litter campaign organised by the South East Local Authorities which ran from the August 21 to 29 to compliment Heritage Week.

Other regional events included litter picks, competitions and a litter stand at the Iverk show in Piltown focusing on the problems caused by cigarette and gum litter.

Camphill Community Ballytobin to hold open day

The Camphill Community, Ballytobin in Callan will hold its annual open day on Sunday, September 19 from 2pm to 5pm.

The day is an opportunity for the community, which cares for children and adults with special needs, to make their work better known and raise their profile within the community while also allowing them to get to know the larger community.

It is also a chance to raise some much needed funds with a host of activities including ‘Wheel of Fortune’, a cake sale, plants and vegetables, afternoon tea and coffee, raffles, games, numerous stalls and a huge range of children’s entertainments.

They welcome any donations of cakes, vegetables, plants, bric-a-brac etc. For more information on the Camphill Community visit their website on

Country market in Thomastown

A country market is being held in Thomastown, in the Concert Hall, every Saturday from 11am to 1.30pm.

There is a range of homemade treats and fresh produce on sale at the market, including cakes breads, tarts and more, as well as vegetables, herbs, jams, preserves, salad dressings, pesto sauces, duck eggs, hen eggs and some local crafts and knitwear.

Organisers are also encouraging new suppliers to join the market. Application forms are available from the Concert Hall.

‘Stars for a Night’ returns

A host of talented Kilkenny musicians and singers, including popular former mayor Cllr Malcolm Noonan will don the guise of various famous names for this year’s ‘Stars for a Night’.

The annual fundraising night will benefit three very worthy charities this year with the Susie Long Hospice Fund teaming up with the Niall Mellon Township Trust and The Hope Foundation.

The fundraising event was launched last night in Langton’s Hotel on John Street with Mayor Martin Brett joining this year’s contestants alongside judges Helen Carroll, Gerry Moran and Donna O’Shea and representatives from the three charities.

‘Stars for a Night’ takes place in the Set Theatre, Langton’s on Sunday, October 3 at 8pm. Tickets cost €10 and are available from Rollercoaster Records, Langton’s Hotel and on the door on the night.

Broadband bus to visit Callan

Callan residents with an interest in broadband internet are invited to drop in to the National Broadband Scheme bus when it rolls into town this week.

The NBS, an initiative of the Department of Communications, aims to deliver broadband to certain target areas in the country where broadband services were deemed to be insufficient.

The scheme is being delivered by mobile company 3 and the bus is currently visiting NBS areas educating people on the benefit of the broadband experience.

“It’s fantastic news for the county that people of all ages can now come along and test out broadband,” said Damien Gallagher, NBS project director at 3.

“Anyone who visits will be in with a chance to win giveaways, surf the web and get tips and advice from 3 on how to make the most of broadband.”

The bus will visit the SuperValu car park in Callan on September 3 and 4.

Booker Prize-winning author visits city library

Booker Prize-winning Irish author Anne Enright will visit the Carnegie Library on John’s Quay next Wednesday, September 8, to kick-start their centenary celebrations.

After completing an English and Philosophy degree in Trinity, Enright became a successful television producer and director with RTE before turning her hand to writing full-time, her 2007 award-winning novel, ‘The Gathering’ bringing her international recognition.

She is now part of a great tradition of Irish writers, and the Carnegie Library are delighted to welcome her to begin their series of talks. She will be speaking from 7 to 8pm and all are welcome.


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