‘Did Your Day Count?’, the debut publication by Kilkenny life coach Siobhan Sims will be launched tonight at Khan’s Book Shop, James St, Kilkenny at 6pm. A practical, humorous and life-celebrating manual, ‘Did Your Day Count?’ offers sound, positive advice on how to squeeze the ‘great’ out of every single day and make each day special.
‘Did Your Day Count?’ retails at €6.99 and is available at book shops all over Ireland, on www.amazon.com and from the author’s own website www.siobhansims.com €1 from the sale of each book will go to the Susie Long Hospice Fund, which is fundraising to build a hospice for the people of Kilkenny and Carlow. Further details are available from www.susielonghospice.com
“Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to make every day special” — This is the challenge set by Siobhan Sims in ‘Did Your Day Count?’ and is typical of the tone of the book: Practical, down-to-earth, but laced throughout with a light, quirky sense of humour. Siobhan Sims is a qualified life coach and, though still only in her thirties, has been helping people for a number of years. By day, she is the Manager of Khan’s Books in Kilkenny, renowned for their innovative approach to bookselling, keeping books affordable for readers of all levels and abilities, and being particularly pro-active in assisting readers with dyslexia.
‘Did Your Day Count?’ originated in Sims belief that people need a little extra help in these uncertain times. While the book is only 136 pages long, Siobhan took three years writing ‘Did Your Day Count?’ as she was determined to put all her advice into practice before reproducing it in print. She explains “I didn’t want to be preaching what was in the book, not having put it into practice in my own life. I have incorporated every piece of information in this book into my everyday life. Sometimes I had to do a bit of tweaking, but eventually it all came together. That is how I know it works and I have already received correspondence from readers about how the book has helped them to feel more in control of their lives and more sure of their direction in life”.
To make a donation directly to The Susie Long Hospice Fund go to AIB, High St, Kilkenny, Account no: 3462705, Sort code: 93-31-98. The Susie Long Hospice Fund is a registered charity, number CHY17950.