Kilkenny carers celebrate Carers’ Week

The Carers’ Association in Kilkenny is highlighting the massive contribution of full-time family carers in Ireland at a week-long programme of specially organised events during the fourth Annual Carers’ Week.

Plans for the celebratory events are taking place nationally from June 14 to 20. Figures recently released indicate that Ireland’s full time family carers work more than three times longer than the average employed worker, providing in excess of five thousand (5,720 ) hours of care per year to family members.

This corresponds to 110 hours of care per week or close to 16 hours caring per day. This compares to the national average 1,664 working hours per year for the average worker.

In total there are 161,000 family carers in Ireland, with more than 40,000 classed as full-time carers. There are 3,511 family carers in Kilkenny, and 1,600 in Carlow.

Speaking at the launch of Carers’ Week earlier this month, well known actor and star of Fair City Tom Hopkins commended the commitment of family carers who go above and beyond the call of duty on a daily basis, saving the State an estimated €3bn per year.

“Fair play to family carers, particularly full-time carers. They are to be commended, not just for the loving care they provide to their loved ones,” he said.

“I am urging everyone to do something during National Carers’ Week to show a carer they know that they are valued. It can be something very small like a thoughtful message of support; dropping in for lunch – but bringing the lunch with you already made; or indeed making sure the family carer can participate in one of the special events that are being organised. Just make sure to do something!”

Events taking place for family carers during the week in Kilkenny/Carlow include:

June 14 - Information evening/pampering, carers from Callan area. Location - Madigans Pharmacy, Callan, at 6.30pm.

- Massage therapy, hand and foot massage, where carers will be taught how to deliver massage. Location - Resource Centre 11 to 1 o'clock. (second session June 21, same time )

- Flower arranging and coffee morning. Location - The Dolmen Hotel, Carlow, 10.30 (Sponsored by The Dolmen Hotel ).

June 15 - Reflexology therapy available free to carers, by appointment. Location - Resource Centre, 9.30 to 3pm.

- Card making class for carers. Location - Resource Centre probably 9.30 to 12.30.

June 16 - coffee morning. Organised between Headway and TCA. Location - Langtons, Kilkenny, at 10.30am.

- Reflexology therapy available free to carers, by appointment. Location - Resource Centre, 9.30 to 3pm.

- Patient moving and handling course. Location - IWA Carlow. Pre-booked carers only.

June 17 - Outing to Mount Mellary in Waterford, Mass, lunch in Lismore, shopping. Bus leaves Carlow at 8.10am, Kilkenny at 9am.

If anyone is interested in attending or supporting any events, or is running an event for Carers’ Week, contact The Carers’ Association on 056 7721424.


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