Kilkenny County Council is asking all schools and businesses in Kilkenny city to encourage students and staff to cycle to school or work.
As part of a wider programme of cycle to work and cycle to school initiatives, on Wednesday June 16, all cyclists are invited to get on their bikes and join Mayor Malcolm Noonan and other local representatives for a light breakfast at the Town Hall on their way to work and school. Specific targeting of medium / big employers in Kilkenny and local Kilkenny schools is being undertaken to promote the initiative to staff and students. Refreshments will be provided to all participants. Kilkenny County Council and Kilkenny Borough Council staff and councillors will lead by example.
Organiser of the event, Martina Comerford, of Community & Enterprise says, “it’s important that we all participate on the day that we operate a cycle to work scheme here in Kilkenny Local Authorities. Many staff members have purchased bikes in recent weeks under the government scheme and this is now an opportunity to come together to have fun, reduce the traffic on our streets and reduce our carbon footprint.”
For further Information contact Martina Comerford Community & Enterprise, Kilkenny County Council, Johns Green House Kilkenny. Or call 056 7794926 or log onto to