The need for constitutional child welfare reform to protect children’s rights and welfare has been demonstrated all too often in recent years by damming reports and empty promises, according to Carlow/Kilkenny general election candidate Ann Phelan.
Cllr Phelan says that there has been a troubling rise in the number of child abuse cases reported in crime statistics in the past number of years with 195 incidents of child abuse reported in 2004. This increased to 303 in 2006 and rose again to 566 in 2007 according to headline crime statistics.
She said, “every number in those statistics is a case of a damaged childhood, something which can never be got back.” She also pointed out that just 18 of the promised 270 additional social worker places following the Ryan Report have been filled.
“There are also countless instances of children being neglected within families who simply are not capable of providing the care that is required. Only last week the Children’s Ombudsman published a comprehensive report which demonstrated how child protection systems and services are failing our children. It is for these reasons that we urgently need to enshrine children’s rights in the constitution and provide our young with the greatest protection and opportunities in life.
“In the past number of years too many institutional failings have occurred in caring adequately for the children of the nation,” she said.
Since 2001, some 496 separated children have gone missing in Ireland. Of these, 434 remain unaccounted for. These children often arrive in Ireland from elsewhere and, as such, are starting out from a difficult and stressful predicament in a strange country.
Councillor Phelan said that as a civilised country we should be making every effort to ensure that vulnerable children are cared for in a safe and secure environment.