Is beauty really skin deep?

I was watching this programme during the week about China and the impact the beauty industry was having on the Chinese people. About an hour into the programme I couldn’t help but feel saddened and slightly disturbed on how the Western world’s influence was literally changing the face of the Chinese people.

Only a few years ago Chinese people were more about natural beauty and make-up free skin. But as the beauty industry grew across the world it was only a matter of time before it took over China as well. The only problem with the beauty industry in China is it hasn’t embraced Chinese culture but has imposed American and European branding upon the faces of Chinese people. This has led to widespread insecurity among Chinese people so much so that thousands undergo eye re shaping surgery every day. This cosmetic procedure involves re shaping Chinese eyes to look more Western. That’s not all though, height in China is seen as superior and Chinese people are taking drastic measures to lengthen their legs to become taller. Those who get this leg lengthening surgery have to take a year out of their jobs, or go into hiding so that people don’t know they’ve had it done. The leg lengthening operation can increase height from three to five inches. Chinese people were known for their petite frames and porcelain skin and sadly this is changing- with branding featuring American and European models and Barbie and Ken style figures - the future looks very different for the face of China. What’s also interesting is how Chinese people were always known for their ageless skin as they didn’t age as fast as the rest of us, and many believe the reason was because of their lack of make-up. Make-up contains a lot of preservatives and even chemicals that over time play havoc on the skin. So a word of warning to all the 16-year-olds out there who are rarely seen without make-up these days - if you want beautiful skin in your twenties and want to look young and fresh faced- then ditch the make-up now and just be a beautiful teen with a clear fresh face. I think the overall lesson here is make-up and products will only do so much for you. Instead be happy in your own skin, understand that inner beauty and confidence far outweighs the latest lipstick and cosmetic procedure.


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