The Drum Youth Centre, Kilkenny’s dedicated youth space, has issued an invitation to the public to attend an event to celebrate the official opening of the centre to young people on Saturday May 8 from 3pm to 5pm.
Special guests will officially open the centre, which is located in Goods Shed Square at MacDonagh Junction Shopping Centre, at 3pm. The opening will be followed by music, poi, hip hop and samba drumming performances from current members of The Drum Youth Project and Health Café. After these performances there will be a chance to try poi and drumming free of charge.
During this festive afternoon, young people and adults will have an opportunity to view the centre and speak to staff about what is on offer, eg, hang out space, youth support, entertainment events, youth committee, educational programmes, youth citizenship, health information, volunteer involvement, and school holiday programmes.
Also based in the building are a Foróige regional youth officer and a Big Brother Big Sister (BBBS ) worker. On display will be murals created especially for The Drum by the students of the fifth year art class at Kilkenny City Vocational School. Groups participating in the Permanent TSB Youth Citizenship Awards will also display information about the projects they are currently undertaking.
The Drum is funded by the Kilkenny County Council and the HSE and is available to all young people aged 12 – 18 years from Kilkenny city and county. The staff would love everyone to come along on Saturday May 8, to meet them, enjoy a hot drink and maybe test the steadiness of their hand in the giant Buzz competition.
For more information contact Kate Carroll 086 7736975 or Melissa Faulkner 086 7736976.