Officials at Kilkenny Local Authorities will today (Friday ) submit an ambitious plan to the government worth €8million for improvements to mobility for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists in and around the city centre.
The plan is to be received by the Department of Transport and it will be examined along with plans from 10 other towns and cities across the country for its eligibility under the Smarter Travel Initiative. Only four of the 11 towns will receive the much sought-after funding.
Funding available under this initiative will amount to €6million and Kilkenny Local Authorities will be required to make up the remainder if they are successful.
The council is very hopeful that the plan will be favourably considered for funding following recent failed attempts to improve on mobility in the city centre.
The new blueprint includes plans for two pedestrianised/cycle bridge crossings, pedestrianised priority areas within the city, a public transport bus service and sheltered bicycle parking.
The original mobility management strategy for Kilkenny also has a park ‘n ride bus service in its plan for the future but it’s hoped that these planned will be brought forward if the new plan is successful in its application.
Kilkenny business people were told of the new plan at a meeting earlier this week, while council members were also informed separately of the plans.
The council is planning a prominent public awareness campaign if the submission is successful in its application for funding. It is hoped that a seachange in mindset is possible with people thinking more about their ability to walk or cycle rather than using their cars within the city centre.