Lidl to take another shot at Bagenalstown store

The ball is rolling again on a major discount retail chain’s attempts to open a store in Bagenalstown, according to a local councillor.

Discount store Lidl are expected to make a second application to build a retail complex on the Royal Oak Road this month, Cllr Denis Foley told his fellow members of Muinebheag Town Council.

Lidl are expected to employ up to 25 people in the town, while up to 50 people in total would be employed in the complex, which would include another three retail units as well as the Lidl store and car parking for up to 160 cars.

An Bord Pleanála refused the supermarket chain permission to build a store in the town earlier this year, after the county council had given them the thumbs up.

The decision to refuse the discount store permissision prompted grumblings from local councillors about the negative reaction and opposition to forward planning in the town.

According to councillor Derek Mahon, 99.9 per cent of the people in the town were in favour of Lidl setting up in Muinebheag.

“It is essential that it goes out that this council is pro-development. We are encouraging proper development in Bagenalstown and hopefully it will be second time lucky,” he said.

Cllr Foley described Lidl’s decision to put in a second planning application as tremendous for the town and said the town was crying out for extra parking.

“In the current climate, a lot of people are losing their jobs and having to sign on. Forty jobs is a lot of jobs and most of them will be filled by local people,” he said.

“It is something good for Bagenalstown to see this coming and it also creates a certain amount of competition in the grocery sector, where people have x amount of money to spend.

“They have done everything the county council has asked of them. They have made the building more attractive and the front will be landscaped with trees and shrubs and it will be screened in front so that residents in the area have no problems with lights.

Lidl’s plans are expected to be delivered to the county council in the next fortnight and with the weight of the councillors behind them they should be put on public display before the end of the year.


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