Nore Valley Allotments will open its garden gate to the public in mid-March, offering experienced and novice gardeners the chance to 'Get Growing' at the popular Nore Valley Park caravan park and open farm in Bennettsbridge, Co Kilkenny.
With the increased interest in self-grown produce and flowers currently sweeping across the country, Nore Valley Park has taken the initiative and set up an allotment scheme.
The park currently has 30 allotments starting in size from 75 square metres, while there is also a polytunnel on site with a communal potting area and individual plots from two square metres upwards to extend the growing season, for seedling production and or for growing the exotic plants.
Nore Valley Park is encouraging the social aspect of allotment life and will be liaising with local experts and suppliers to provide talks and demonstrations for growers. Gardeners, by nature, love to share tips and advice and this is an excellent atmosphere for sharing and learning.
To encourage growers there will also be competitions held throughout the season for tidiest allotment, biggest and best produce, and so on, and additionally, allotment holders will receive free annual membership to the visitor farm.
Nore Valley Park is intent on developing links and partnerships through this venture to promote local business and community groups and most of all, the enjoyment os working together