Business lunch for International Women’s Day

Kilkenny Business Women’s Network will host a ‘lunch n’ learn’ in the Rivercourt Hotel next Monday, March 8, for International Women’s Day.

The lunch will see local business people coming together to learn how to turn current business challenges into real business opportunities, Patricia Callan, Director of the Small Firms Association, as guest speaker.

The KBWN held their AGM recently, where a new committee was elected for 2010, and outgoing president, Trish Finegan of Creative Catering, thanked the members for all their support for the past two years spoke about some of the highlights of the past year, which included their lunch with Sarah Newman on International Women’s Day last March.

The newly elected president, Dee Gibney of Dee Gibney Properties, thanked Trish for her outstanding contribution to the Network and for working tirelessly to promote business women in Kilkenny.

At present, Kilkenny Business Women’s Network is represented on the Strategic Policy Committee of the Kilkenny County Council and on the Board of Directors of the Kilkenny Chamber, and County Enterprise Board.

Kilkenny Business Women’s Network support women in business in Kilkenny.

“We are a group of enthusiastic, talented entrepreneurs and business women, operating in Kilkenny City and County, that want to make a significant contribution to the business and community life of Kilkenny” said Dee Gibney.

“We believe we can bring more balance to the decisions and policies made for the future of our communities.”

If you would like more information on Kilkenny Business Women’s Network, log on to their website at or call Dee Gibney on 087 688472.


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