O’Brien’s regret about lack of politicians on Waterford Port board

The chairman of Kilkenny County Council expressed his regret at the elimination of the political members from the board of the Port of Waterford at this month’s meeting of Kilkenny County Council.

Councillor Michael O’ Brien said that it was most regrettable that none of the politicians who had previously sat on the board had been re-elected.

“There was a complete removal of the public representatives from the board of the port authorities. The port is a national public asset and it is for the benefit of all. Politicians from Kilkenny have always sat on this board as the port is located in our county. It is only right that we had a say in the defence of public assets against those with vested interests. Now we have no more say on the harbour board and I must say I think it is a shame. I hope this move will be corrected.”

Mr O Brien continued, “This port is firmly established in county Kilkenny and it creates jobs. It was one area where our local authorities could exploit. Now we don’t have the input that we had in the past and I believe it is regrettable.”


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