Dumped dog seeks rehabilitation at dog shelter

In a week where a local man was jailed for cruelty to animals, the Carlow Kilkenny Dog Shelter was presented with yet another case of horrifying animal cruelty.

A young Lurcher dog was picked up in Paulstown where the badly injured dog was wandering aimlessly, and given to the Carlow- Kilkenny Dog Shelter.

Michael Morrissey of the dog shelter told the Kilkenny Advertiser that this was yet another case of horrendous animal cruelty and neglect.

“This dog has a huge open bleeding wound on his rear shank and he has several other injuries around his body some of which are recent and others that were older injuries. It is a terrible case of utter neglect and cruelty. Somebody either hurt this dog or didn’t look after him. It’s hard to know what happened.”

The dog has since been taken in by the shelter and has been visited by the vet who believes he can make a good recovery.

“We hope that he will recover fully with the right care. We will then assess him and his temperament and see if he is suitable for re-homing. We already think that he will be as he seems to be a lovely gentle dog. We are asking anyone that might be looking for a dog to contact the dog shelter and see what we have on offer before looking elsewhere. We have lots of animals that are in need of good homes,” he added.

Every day the dog shelter deals with cases such as this or simply with animals that are not wanted by their owners anymore. They are asking the public to be responsible for their own pets.

“Dog wardens seem to have a bad name but if only people knew what we had to deal with every day. People dump their animals when they don’t want them and we have to pick up the pieces. We get quite a number of dogs like the Lurcher that we have this week. This is not a one-off case,” said Mr Morrissey.

The Lurcher is currently recuperating with antibiotics, on a sheepskin rug close to a radiator - if anyone is interested in adopting a dog, please call the dog shelter on 059 9726785.


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