Following a debate initiated by local Fianna Fáil TD, Bobby Aylward, departmental officials are to review the FÁS Community Employment Scheme to see if its scope can be extended.
“I believe the scheme should be extended to include people between the ages of 50 and 65 who have already completed a CE Scheme and who, because of their age or lack of experience, have little likelihood of returning to the active workforce”, the Carlow/Kilkenny deputy said.
“Last week, I tabled a motion to the Fianna Fáil parliamentary party which was thrashed out at length at a specially-convened meeting. There is widespread interest and support amongst my colleagues for my proposal to introduce a new dimension to the CE Scheme which would allow older people to remain on their work placement within the community if their prospects of re-entering the workforce are limited due to their age.
“These placements are very successful and they represent good value for money. I feel it would be feasible and worthwhile to introduce a new element to the Scheme at a cost of around €30 per week. This cost could be shared on a 50-50 basis between the departments involved and the local organisations that avail of the scheme”.
“People engaged in the scheme have made a concrete and valuable contribution to their local communities through their work in parishes, sports clubs, tidy towns committees, and other voluntary organisations. There should be a way to keep people on when they have reached the age or the duration threshold and where they have no realistic opportunity of getting other employment”.
“Indeed, it was suggested at our meeting that we should explore a novel means of augmenting the scheme by inviting local businesses or clubs to sponsor a community employer in the area.
“I got a very positive response from Ministers Mary Coughlan and Éamon Ó Cuiv and from Junior Minister, Billy Kelleher. It has now been agreed that officials from the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment, the Department of Social and Family Affairs, and the Department of Finance, will undertake a detailed reappraisal of the CE Scheme under the guidance of Minister Coughlan.
“I am hopeful that my suggestion will get serious consideration. I was very encouraged by the response of my colleagues who recognise that the CE Scheme should be extended. I believe the additional costs will not pose an excess burden on the Exchequer and I know that all the participants in the CE Scheme would benefit greatly from such an extension.”