Gospel choir hosts gala concert for Haiti

The Kilkenny Gospel Choir will host a gala concert for Haiti on February 1, in St Mary’s Cathedral Kilkenny beginning at 8pm.

The concert brings together some of Kilkenny’s greatest talent including Darren Holden, Don Mescal, Mick Hanley, the Dungarvan Gospel Choir, Tukolo, the Thomastown Choir, Jim Maher and Jim Fitzpatrick, Mog O’ Grady, and uileann pipe player Billy Carrigan. Reflections will be read by Sue Nunn, Brian Cody, and Bishop Seamus Freeman. Sr Maeve Guinan who has just returned from Haiti will share her experience of the devastation she has seen there.

Sr Maeve is a member of the Cluny sisters who are based in Haiti and whose schools were destroyed. Most of their pupils were lost in the earthquake and now they must find money to feed the children who are orphaned. A collection will be taken up in the cathedral for her. Further information from the Kilkenny Gospel Choir. www.kilkennygospelchoir.com


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