Give what you can to Haiti — this is real poverty

Everything pales into insignificance when you hear that the search for survivors in Haiti is to be wound down today as the likelihood of finding anybody alive is utterly diminished some eight days after the tragedy struck.

We can talk of recessions and bank enquiries and flight delays but none of these issues appear important in the greater scheme of things - particularly when we see the orphaned children and the parents of children who have been killed, in huge distress on our television screens every night.

There is no point in looking at the images and being upset. This is something that everybody has to contribute to as best they can. The Haitian people need the help of the western world right now and we should be giving what we can.

This is poverty. This is having nothing. This is simply fighting for survival in the most basic manner.

But the most awful part is knowing that the search for survivors now has to come to an end and the focus of the assistance is now to be on those who have survived. It seems so quick to move on but the needs of the millions of people of Haiti are so great, we cannot be indulgent in any sense of the word. Practicality has to step in and take over and the focus must be on the people who have miraculously survived this natural disaster.

The aftershock that hit the country yesterday must have been an horrendous reminder to the people that survived and I’m sure most of them would flee their homeland if the option was available to them. But unfortunately, this is not the case and we must bring all of our resources to them in order for people to survive the next few weeks.

Violence and looting is another problem for the country right now as people struggle to survive. The aid that is arriving daily is not nearly enough to feed and treat those who have been injured and even maimed during the earthquake. Water is in huge demand and people simply aren’t getting enough. People are literally fighting for the survival of themselves and their families.

We need to send what we can through the channels of Concern, The Red Cross, Goal or other larger organisations that are directly dealing with assisting the people on the ground. We can do this over the next few weeks by supporting any local events that are taking place to fund raise for the people of Haiti. People can also organise a private event and donate the funds to one of the above mentioned charities where it will be gladly received.

There are a host of events planned so keep an eye on the Kilkenny Advertiser in coming weeks for ways in which you can help.


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