It was like the good ole’ days - when we had nothing, but we all pulled together... And... we were happy...
Well maybe that might be stretching it a bit but one has to commend the community response that kicked in once it was discovered that people were in trouble during the cold snap last week.
Strangers were helping each other out, let alone neighbours, family and friends and it really did remind us of how easy it is to be nice and how big the reward is for the little effort it takes.
However, reality bites now and although many are dealing with the repercussions of flooding and burst pipes, people are taking it in good spirit in most cases. When everyone is in the same boat it doesn’t sting so badly....
Which leads me on to the bankers! Deputy McGuinness is rightly calling for an immediate enquiry into what happened in the banks during the boom times. This is one group of people who have had no sting while the rest of us are suffering the pain.
Of course there should be an enquiry. There have been enquiries ordered in this country into far less destructive goings on, that have cost the tax payer an arm and a leg. The fact the Brian Cowen would even have to think about whether or not an enquiry is merited is telling in itself in my view. Every single household in the country has been affected by what came about because of bad banking and the lack of regulation that surrounded the industry. Each and every one of us are feeling the pinch and unfortunately, so will our children and possibly our grandchildren.
Bankers have wreaked havoc on the economy and unfortunately it was entertained by the government. An enquiry might stir up a lot of information that many people may not want publicised and this is one of the reasons why some people may want it long-fingered. However, we as taxpayers are entitled to know where the money has gone and who has benefited from it. Pushing this one under the carpet is not going to cut it this time, as we want to know the answers - why was our money lent so recklessly to property developers and why in many cases is there no paper trail documenting the transactions?
Simple questions with simple answers - we deserve to know why we are being made to suffer. So shout it out - we demand an enquiry into the banks and we demand it now!