A sum of €20,000 has been confirmed for an archaeology report to be carried out on the Closh in the city as city councillors plan for a future skate park for the plot.
The sum was confirmed at Monday night’s budget meeting of the Kilkenny Borough Council. This figure is in addition to €50,000 which was previously allocated for the project.
Cllr Sean O’ hArgain said: “We will have a skate park in this city come hell or high water. A community park must proceed there, and we are determined to make it happen,” he said.
He added that this year’s budget is published with a background of great difficulty, “and if it had not been for the bags made of the economy by the inactions of national government, we wouldn’t be in this situation.”
Encourage tourism
County manager Joe Crockett outlined some of the main aspects of this year’s budget, and said that there would be continued provision of funding to help maintain and improve the presentation of public places to allow Kilkenny to take advantage of significant tourism opportunity.
“There is a commitment to projects such as Talbot Tower, the city walls, Rothe House, Butler Gallery, and the Watergate Theatre as the positive commercial opportunities created by such projects will be of immense benefit to local business," he said.
He added that a city centre mobility plan was also to be prioritised in this year’s budget and the continuation of an investment package for the city and the maintenance of local employment were the main factors that influenced Kilkenny Borough Council's budget for 2010.
Trial one-way-system
Some €500,000 was allocated for improvements to High Street, John Street and Rose Inn Street with €55,000 for the provision of real time signage.
Mr Crockett also told the members that a one way system would be introduced for a trial period in April next year for John St, Rose Inn St, and High St. He said that it would be monitored to assess its success and the results would be considered before a decision would be made on a permanent one-way system.
The Watershed also benefited to the tune of €300,000 and the Butler Gallery was allocated €100,000 towards the relocation of the gallery.