The roads around Kilmacow have been in a poor condition for the last six months in the aftermath of the sewerage installation works, according to Labour Party Councillor, Tomás Breathnach.
However, the situation is to be addressed and negotiations have been on-going between Kilkenny County Council, the consultants for the scheme and the contractor over the past number of months to address this issue and will, it is hoped, conclude shortly.
Cllr Breathnach said that the poor condition is due to the fact that the roads were in a poor state of repair before the installation works and it did not make sense to re-instate the roads only to have them dug up to facilitate the pipe network for the scheme.
Cllr Breathnach added that “negotiations are likely to lead to an agreement whereby a significant section of the roads will have regulatory works carried out on them and then they will be surfaced dressed so as to render the road texture smoother and less testing on pedestrians, cyclists and motorists.
“It is anticipated that actual work on improving the road surface between the Lower Street and Upper Street will commence before the end of this month. ”
Other sections will be completed as the installation works allow and monies for a full and permanent re-instatement of all the roads affected by the scheme have been provided and this work should be carried out in 2009.