Fine Gael is the only party that has set out a plan to create 105,000 jobs, protect 80,000 existing jobs and transform the public sector and the Irish economy, Party Environment Spokesman, Phil Hogan TD has said.
Deputy Hogan made his comments at the Bray Fine Gael lunch during the week , saying that the really big difference between Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil is that Fine Gael has a jobs strategy while Fianna Fáil has no credible jobs or economic recovery plan.
“It is staggering that, in the depths of the biggest recession the State has ever seen, Fianna Fáil has still not spelt out what we need most; a job plan.
“Fine Gael, on the other hand, has a radical plan to transform our economy, make it competitive again and to get our people back to work. Just this morning, Enda Kenny, Richard Bruton and Simon Coveney set out the New ERA plan that would create 105,000 jobs over four years.
“Not only that, New ERA will transform the Irish economy by investing €18 billion over four years in making our broadband network among the top five in the world, in turning us into a net energy exporter by 2030 with 50 per cent of our energy coming from renewable sources by 2020, and in overhauling our water networks and infrastructure.
“This comes on the back of plans by Leo Varadkar TD to maintain 80,000 existing jobs in the small and medium enterprise sector. Fine Gael outlined 18 different measures to do this including offering employers who increase overall employment levels a PRSI exemption for new staff recruited over the next two years, reduce local authority rates and freeze government charges, abolish the €10 travel tax and reverse last year’s VAT hike.
“There isn’t a man, woman, or child in this country who isn’t aware of the depth of the challenges facing us. They are bigger than any one individual but with the proper team and the right policies they can be tackled head on. Fine Gael has the team and has the policies to transform Ireland and provide us with what we need the most — jobs.”