County manager receives eBay award

The Irish eBay website teamed up with both the Carlow Country Enterprise Board and County Carlow Chamber to host their second Academy workshop ‘Beyond the Basics of Selling on’ workshop last week.

eBay also took the opportunity on their visit to Carlow to present the County Manager, Tom Barry with a trophy to congratulate Carlow as top eBay buyers in Ireland, according to figures released at the end of July.

People from Carlow are spending more on eBay than residents of any other county in the Republic. The results of eBay’s annual survey of Irish spending habits show that people living in Carlow were most likely to splash out on motorcycles, car parts and DVDs over the last 12 months.

The workshop, which took place in the Seven Oaks last week, provided top tips on ‘how to sell’ alongside ideas on how to make money on From low volume sellers to people planning to sell thousands of items a month, the Academy aims to help users sharpen their selling skills and improve their efficiency when trading on the site. The event also provided the perfect opportunity for eBay users to learn from those who have already made a real success of trading on Tutors were also on hand to answer questions and offer advice on individual queries.

The class allowed for local businesses in Carlow and the surrounding areas to take advantage of the market opportunities offered by eBay for relatively little investment in terms of both time and finance.

In Ireland currently there are four items purchased and one item sold every minute on the site, which highlights the unique opportunity presented by eBay in Ireland in terms of product substitution. Traditionally we rely heavily on imports in Ireland but there is plenty of scope for Irish sellers to develop more of a market for themselves not only at home but also internationally via the eBay channel. The academy focuses on informing, teaching and empowering buyers and sellers on the site.


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