To jab or not to jab- that is the question

Many people with children over the age of six months and those who are pregnant, are battling with the decision as to whether or not they should let their children or themselves get the swine flu jab.

Healthcare workers are also at odds trying to decide whether they should infect themselves with the vaccine for the sake of their patients! And really at the end of the day it is a personal decision but one that every one of us needs to make.

Doctors’ opinions differ on this one and there are some that say children and pregnant women need to take the vaccination no matter what - but then there is the other side who claim that there are not enough tests done on the vaccine and that people should be wary of it. So what do you do? Particularly when it comes to children in school or crèche, who pick up every little bug going. I think that maybe it is better to vaccinate and attempt to prevent the spread of the bug in children rather than let a rampant and aggressive bug like swine flu charge its way through our schools and childcare institutions.

However, I can more understand the reservations of pregnant women who are concerned about their tiny baby growing inside them. It is horrible to think that maybe you might be infecting them with a virus that could affect them. However, maybe this is the best option and consequences could be far worse if the Mom or the foetus caught the swine flu full on - who knows!

Our local hospitals are taking serious precautions with visitor restrictions in place both in St Luke’s in Kilkenny and Ardkeen in Waterford. There is hand cleansing liquids at the doors of most businesses and those who do not feel well are being well advised to stay at home from work or school.

It could be a sniffly Christmas for many if this virus has its way.

Speaking of Christmas - once again we at the Advertiser would be advising everyone to shop local as much as possible over the festive season. There is some excellent value to be had in our local shops and businesses and really at a time like this we should be even more conscious of keeping our money in the local economy.

However, in saying that I don’t think there would have been any harm in Christmas markets on the Parade. There are a lot of disappointed people out there who would have been happy with the extra footfall on the streets of Kilkenny for the festive season. However, I have also received letters with the opposite opinion expressed - those who fear for the rate-paying, permanent business owners of the city.

I think it could have been no harm to entice people into the city this year. I believe everyone would have benefited including restaurants, bars, hotels and other retailers. However, maybe next year - if all the businesses are still around...


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