Diet, diets and more diets — this word is haunting everyone in the 21st century.
In the media, namely the film industry and fashion magazines, there seems to be a hidden message that the thinner you are the happier you will be.
Whether you are a bit on the heavy side or are very thin, everyone feels that by restricting themselves from the food they love, they will eventually look fantastic.
But of course, this is simply not true.
Food is a very important part of our lives. It’s a necessity for survival and it is meant to be enjoyed. By restricting your diet you may end up skinny and a size eight, but you might be miserable and if you are - you will look it too.
Not only that, but eventually you will begin to indulge again and possibly put on the pounds and end up heavier than you were originally.
Remember it’s not what you eat, it’s how you eat.
Eating the right kinds of food is the most successful way to give you a healthy, natural glow. So instead of starving yourself, look beautiful in your natural figure.
First of all, make sure you eat something in the morning. Skipping breakfast means your metabolism doesn’t get the kick start it needs and therefore your body will digest much more slowly than it should throughout the day.
Drink lots of fluids throughout the day which, again, will help break down the food you consume so that it won’t be converted to fat. Drinking water also hydrates your skin immediately, helping to create that glow about you.
Eating fibre in moderate amounts also helps your digestive system.
And it is important not to eat too much at night before heading to bed as your body becomes inactive, leaving the food consumed sitting in your stomach overnight.
All of these tips are helpful, not because they reduce the amount of food eaten but because they increase the digestion of these foods.
If, during the day you want a bar of chocolate or maybe a bag of crisps or a croissant, then go ahead. Just don’t have all of them every day — try to eat fatty foods in moderation.
If you like to indulge a little on your lunch at work then park your car further away from your work location, that way you can burn off the extra calories walking to your car in the morning and evening.
Make little rules like, twice a week, you have a fruit salad instead of a sandwich which introduces vitamins and minerals to your diet.
It is vital that you eat a balanced diet. By eating too much of one thing and not enough of another, your body is not getting the all round nourishment that is needed for a healthy look.
This weekend is the perfect time in Kilkenny to learn about delicious balanced meals. The very popular Savour Kilkenny festival is taking place in town so make sure to pop down and absorb as many mouth-watering recipes as you can and pick up as many tips as possible about healthy eating.