It’s in the blood for Castlecomer Writers’ Group

Castlecomer Writers’ group is back to the Watergate Theatre this weekend with yet another great offering from the pens of members in north Kilkenny.

Last year this group had great success at the Watergate Theatre with the play Clerical Errors and now the writers are back with their latest play In The Blood.

A group of talented actors have taken up the gauntlet and the scripts, and put months of rehearsals into perfecting this play which has already been staged in Castlecomer to much acclaim.

In the Blood is set in a miner’s cottage in the fifties. When Mikey the eldest son decides to leave his life as a miner and Paddy the youngest goes missing, the family must come to terms with the turmoil that both events bring.

The production is once again under the direction of well-known Dublin author, Neville Thompson and under his professional direction this show promises to be another unforgettable performance.

Tickets are €10 and €8 concession at the door or booking can be made through the box office on 067 7761674. The show takes place on Saturday at 8pm.


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