You want MORE?????
That is the infamous retort that poor Oliver receives when he asks the workhouse soup kitchen staff for more gruel. Expect this and a whole lot more from next year’s production of Oliver from Kilkenny Musical Society.
The much loved musical Oliver will be staged in the Watergate Theatre in April 2010.
The show which contains popular hits such as ‘Consider Yourself’, ‘I’d do Anything’ and ‘You’ve Got To Pick A Pocket Or Two’, is sure to follow the great success of last year’s KMS show, “Fiddler on the Roof”.
The musical is based on Charles Dickens’ novel, Oliver Twist, and is a story of poverty, fear, innocence and above all the search for a loving family.
Rehearsals will begin soon, with details being announced in the next few weeks.
KMS will be holding auditions and rehearsals in the near future. There are a wide range of adult roles varying in age and gender, as well as singing and speaking roles, and anyone interested is encouraged to audition for these parts.
KMS would be delighted to hear from new members interested in joining - for further information contact and/or text 0863489288 to be added to the KMS mailing/text list.
Kilkenny Musical Society is primarily an adult society, catering for those over the age of 18 in the Kilkenny area with an interest in musical theatre. However, with some shows, like Oliver, they also will need certain roles to be filled by a number of children (no older than first year in secondary school ).
Therefore, there will be auditions for these parts within the next few weeks and so parents are welcome to text or email details to the number/address given above for more information.