Are colon problems affecting your life?

Dear Breda

I suffer with a lot of wind (both ends ), and it leaves an unpleasant odour most of the time.

It’s ruining my social life. I had an allergy test done, and it turns out I have a high intolerance to wheat, sugar and food with lots of e numbers, so I'm trying slowly to cut them out, hoping this might help. Is there anything you can suggest to help me? I really feel so down about this.

Regards, P.

Dear P,

Thank you for your letter about an all too common complaint. First of all, and as per you allergy test, I advise you to eliminate all wheat, sugar and e numbers from your diet. There are also three homeopathic remedies that may help you: Lycopodium, Nux Vomica and Sulphur. Take the remedies together morning and evening for two weeks. These remedies help to detox the liver, strengthen the colon, and clean and purify the blood.

Try separating your proteins and starches at mealtimes, as recommended by the Hay Diet (buy the book for more information ). Proteins (eg meat, fish and cheese ) are broken down by the hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Starches (eg potatoes, rice and bread ) are broken down by enzymes. Things like vegetables, salads and most fruits are all neutral. Good food combining will aid your digestion.

Eat your food slowly. Eating is a sacred experience, so enjoy it. Sip only small amounts of water with your meal, as large amounts of liquid will dilute the hydrochloric acid that is there to help break down the food.

If your bowels are sluggish (ie not functioning daily ), then try Lepicol + Digestive Enzymes, which contains natural plant fibre that helps to clean and tonify the colon.

Lastly, live in the now patiently and positively, as this does influence the colon and aids the digestion, absorption and assimilation of food. Love yourself by giving yourself daily exercise and drink 8 glasses of water daily, and I am sure that you will then feel the positive effects in your body in no time.


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