Volunteers required for local board
Kilkenny Community & Voluntary Forum is seeking nominations from the voluntary sector for election as local representatives on an executive board to input and be part of policy development in conjunction with the Local Authority and other agencies in the county.
Four people will be elected from each area. The new executive will meet monthly for a five year term.
In order to obtain nominations the forum will hold meetings in each electoral area.
The meetings will take place in all electoral areas and are open to all members of community and voluntary groups.
For further information contact Monica O’Shea on tel: 056 7771642 / 086 810 3507 or Kilkenny Community & Voluntary Forum on fax: 056 7795584 at Millennium Court Community Centre, email: kilkennycommunityforum@eircom.net at Hebron Road, Kilkenny.
Heartsaver AED course
Learn the vital skills of CPR and choking relief for adults, children, and infants, and how to use an automated external defibrillator (AED ).
Emergency Response Training (affiliated training site with The Irish Heart Foundation ) will hold the above course at the Kilkenny Ormonde Hotel, on Thursday September 24 at 7pm.
The course costs €50 per person and takes approximately three hours to complete. The course is suitable for all adults (16 years + ). Participants will receive a certificate upon successfully completing this course.
Take note numbers are limited.
For more details and to secure a place contact: Emergency Response Training at 087 628 3405.
The half marathon
The half marathon will take place in Kilkenny this Sunday, September 20. All the money raised will go directly to the Good Shepherd Centre and will be used to help very vulnerable people and improve the services at the Good Shepherd. Donations can be sent to Angela Finegan, the Good Shepherd Centre, Church Lane, Kilkenny.
Maintain funding for rural transport initiative
The Area Council meeting in Newrath last Friday unanimously agreed to the motion proposed by Tomás Breathnach, the Labour Party councillor, that it should write to the ministers for Finance, Transport and Community, and Rural & Gaeltacht Affairs to urge them to maintain funding for the Rural Transport Initiative to allow the services provided by Ring a Link in Carlow, Kilkenny, and south Tipperary to continue.
Cllr Breathnach, who was a founder member of Ring a Link and has remained a member of its board of directors, stated that he was putting the motion forward due to the concerns expressed to him in the aftermath of the recommendation to eliminate funding for the Rural Transport Initiative contained in the recent McCarthy Report.
Ring a Link had increased passenger numbers every year since its services began in 2002. It had invested in the most advanced technology for demand responsive services and it was one of the most efficient transport providers of the 37 set up around the country.
Ring a Link had provided almost 250,000 rural trips since it began and people had become used to it as a safe, reliable, and friendly service. It gave people a great sense of independence, increased their access to shops and services, and helped to reduce the feeling of isolation experienced by many in rural areas.
Cllr Breathnach said that the elimination of the service would not have any significant saving to the Exchequer but its impact on those who relied on Ring a Link and such services around the country would be devastating.
Gala Night for Hospice at Kilcohan Park
To celebrate 21 years of the Waterford Hospice a gala race night will be held at Kilcohan Park tonight Friday, September 18.
Tickets including admission, race card, and entry into draw cost €10. Tickets are available from Kilmacow Hospice Support Group. All support welcome and a good night’s greyhound racing, commencing at 8pm, is assured.