Cut back on your heating costs with Savenergy’s Foilsavers

Savenergy is an Irish business that proudly only sells or recommends products that help to save heat and lighting costs and help control all energy costs in the home.

Savenergy are specialists in Foilsavers which are specially designed panels that they fit behind your radiators to help stop the heat leaving your house through the walls. They also heat your rooms more quickly and improve the overall comfort of your home. With their panels fitted the increased efficiency of your heating system means not only will you not be wasting heat but you can also start the boiler a little later than before or you can turn down your thermostat to save fuel, or both. Many government energy conservation agencies actively recommend using a reflective material behind your radiator and in some places reflective panels are even subsidised by government, one example being Northern Ireland.

Foilsavers use a specially designed highly reflective self adhesive foil multilaminate that ensures the heat from the back of your radiator returns to the radiator or into the room itself. The reflected heat then saves energy that would otherwise be lost either into the fabric of the wall or through it, particularly in pre-2006 homes before better insulation regulations came into effect. In fact, either way, according to the ESB, about 35 per cent of all the heat from either side of the radiator is lost through the walls and anything you can do to prevent that will ultimately save you money.

When you order from Savenergy they arrange a suitable time to visit and fit the panels. There is no need to do any preparation, they will clean down the wall behind the radiators, measure up and fit everything. It is a quick operation that creates no dust or unwanted disturbance to your home. They will be in and out in about an hour, depending on how many radiators need the panels. For further details on Foilsavers contact Pat O’Neill on 087 3129858 or log onto the Savenergy website


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