Why do we listen to lies from people who are lying about the Lisbon Treaty?
A year ago the government made a total and complete dogs’ dinner of the referendum, and there was confusion and fear and apathy amongst voters. There was also a lot of confusion amongst ordinary people over issues like abortion, neutrality and the like. Our dead patriots from 1916 were to reappear on posters urging us to reject Lisbon. In short all the emotional blackmail buttons were pressed.
Now a year later when the confusion over matters has been cleared up, the doom sayers are at it again. COIR, an offshoot of Youth Defence, are combined with Joe Higgins, the MEP who seems to have forgotten how to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth this week. In their corner are Sinn Fein and the right wing of the British Conservative Party, as well as the UK Independence Party - a group who are even more right wing than the Tories. They have been joined by people from the continent to press us to save civilisation by voting No. They are putting up posters that are false and dishonest, like their arguments.
This group of people is trying to get us to vote No again. Joe Higgins now wants people to vote No because.................... he doesn’t like the Irish government. Well here’s news for you Joe, I’m canvassing for a Yes vote for Europe and I hate this Government. I used to think Joe Higgins was a man of integrity, but not any more. Grassroots predicts Joe Higgins will lose his seat, just like Mary Lou and the McKenna woman who would take the good out of a sunny day by warning about skin cancer. She is a professional conspiracy theorist, a total pain in the neck and lower regions.
There are really good reasons to vote Yes for Europe and Lisbon next month. These include the improved powers that have been given to our MEPs, and to ordinary citizens. There are more rights for women, there are improvements in how Europe is run, reducing delays in decision making, as well as safeguarding the rights of smaller member states.
As for the ‘No side’ cast of characters, for those of you old enough to remember, the same cast of liars pop up every time we have a referendum on Europe - Nice and Maastricht were two times when Antony Coughlan and others forecast an end to life as we know it. It was a lie then and they are consistent - they are still lying 20 years later. Check old press clippings.
Seventy-seven years ago some dishonest people were trying to ruin the attempts to reform the American economy, they told lies and frightened ordinary hardworking people. President Franklin D. Roosevelt took them on and said, “We have nothing to fear but fear itself.” He was right then. We have to be right now. Sure you mightn’t like the Government, but their day of judgement will come. Don’t allow yourself to listen to the lies and propaganda of many on the No side. Come out and vote for your children and your community.
Reject the confusing and frightening lies of the following -
1. Joe Higgins and Patricia McKenna for their dishonesty.
2. COIR, a dangerously manipulative group on the extreme of Irish society.
3. Sinn Fein, who haven’t an economic idea that stands up to reality - they should be concentrating on reining in their dissident former members who want to start a war all over again.
4. As for the British UK Independence Party - Grassroots has a simple message “You’re not in charge here any more” . Try to remember that and enjoy the journey home.
Do not be emotionally blackmailed into rejecting the best thing to happen Ireland since independence - the European Union. Remember it was one of those who fought for Irish freedom who fought for us to get into the European Union - Sean Lemass, the best Taoiseach this country ever had. So COIR, shove that awkward fact in your pipe and smoke it.