In today’s hectic lifestyle many people suffer from stress and anxiety due to pressure at work, family problems or simply keeping up with such a fast paced existence.
Stress is a serious contributing factor to heart problems, depression, weight issues, headaches and premature ageing, among many other things. But there is a simple and affordable way to get your mind and body back on track.
Yogas focus on deep breathing which triggers the body's relaxation response resulting in decreased anxiety. More scientifically, the practice helps reduce catecholamines - the body's hormonal reaction to stress.
Nicolas Nellisens specialises in restorative yoga, which is a very gentle asana workout focused on posture and movement with lots of breath work, promoting relaxation and well being. Anyone can do restorative yoga from old to young but it is especially beneficial for those who want to slow down and take time out from their daily routines.
Alternatively Helen Irwin teaches Yoga and STOTT pilates at the school. She is a kind caring teacher with an understanding of the subtleties of the body’s energy.
If you’re looking for something a little more energetic then Essie’s Vinyasa flow workouts, focus on constant flowing movements that fuse the breath with the body in a totally absorbing and relaxing way. This form of yoga is especially good for those who already take regular exercise or who want to get fit and beat stress at the same time.
By practising yoga on a regular basis you not only reduce your health risks, but you will also benefit from improved sleep patterns and a more stable emotional state. And yoga is not just for the young and flexible; it is for everyone, males and females alike - one class and you'll be hooked.
For more information contact Essie on: 056 7756570