Free your mind from worry with Franc

Contrary to common belief, we can sustain ourselves. We do not have to succumb to an inevitable demise via recession or a tsunami caused by climate instability, a war to end all wars or starvation due to poverty.

By avoiding or denying these outcomes we hold the fear of them in place. Unfortunately, whatever we fear, we create! The way it works is that we have our conscious intention like being kind, trying to make money, being loyal and creative but these are just a thin veneer. Underneath, we have our unconscious directives, where fear and anxiety occupy a lot of space.

Our existence and thoughts are intricately woven. We are literally fabricating our world. There is already an alignment therefore between our inner world - thoughts, both conscious and unconscious - and our outer experience, but it is tense. We fight it and resist it. For example we feel lack and create more of it, not more money but more lack. Life is a reflection and amplification of what we think so we need to attend to ourselves first, outer sustainability will only follow inner sustainability.

Having focused on this, I took part in a worldwide meditation to visualise a better world. An hour, late in July, was decided on and publicised. I understood it to be a ‘paws for thought’, a chance to picture caring for all living beings, human or animal, be they wild, tame, working or retired, suiting themselves as birds do or being eaten or made into leather goods and bags.

I also understood the meditation to be a joining up of hearts. Luckily, there is a practical way of seeing this! The heart represents acceptance. One culture has accepted ageing, another has accepted dying, some people have a society that shows great compassion, some nationalities can express great passion. In that meditation I knew we shared those accepted feelings. We raised the level of peaceful thoughts taking place at once, ensuring peaceful experience. The more we accept about ourselves the more evidence of synergy we will witness around us.

Resonant with many local people will be the worry about where the money they need will come from during the recession. ‘What wealth is here’ will be one of the topics of meditation at the Conscious Community lunch on Saturday, September 12 at Harmony Hall, near Paulstown, Co Kilkenny. Everyone is welcome, please call 087 137 0859 to book or log onto


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