Classes begin for young actors and film-makers

Young Irish Film-Makers and Dreamstuff Youth Theatre are back in action this September as their exciting film-making and acting classes for young people start up again.

There will be a class or workshop to suit every young person interesting in acting on stage or making films to professional standards.

Every Tuesday from 4 -6pm is junior drama for 8 to 12 year olds. On Wednesdays 13 to 18 year olds take part in senior drama from 4:30 to 6.30pm. Film acting classes for 13-18 year olds are held on Fridays from 4.30pm to 6.30pm.

There will be a special young professional acting class for 13-18 year olds held on Thursdays. Entry to this class is by audition only.

These classes cover theatre games, improvisation, stage and film acting. Most classes will include some film-making experience. All young casts for Dreamstuff Youth Theatre and YIFM film production come from these drama groups.

Film-making workshops will be held on Fridays from 4.30pm to 6:30 for 12 to 18 year olds. These workshops will cover camera, lighting, sound recording and editing. On Saturdays there will be intensive film production and directing classes from 11am to 1pm for 12 to 18 year olds. There will be a special script writing class developed with the film production and directing students.

The group is also interested in young people who would like to develop web design, special visual effects and editing skills. If you have good computer skills and want to develop them through working on web design or film productions then contact YIFM directly or call in to its Waterford Road studios.

Dreamstuff Youth Theatre will return to the Watergate Theatre in December with their annual Christmas production The Sword in the Stone. This is a thrilling tale of knights, schoolboy wizards, dark magic and... er... a sword in the stone! The true (almost! ) story of the boyhood of the famous King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table will be a truly fun Christmas treat for all the family.

Auditions for The Sword in the Stone will be held in the YIFM premises on the Waterford Road tomorrow, Saturday September 12, from 2pm to 5pm. Everyone from 13 to 18 years of age is invited to come along and begin their acting career. No previous experience necessary.

Classes begin on Tuesday September 15, and students can just go along on the date and time of the class or workshop.

Contact YIFM on 056 7764677 or e-mail (drama ) or (film-making ), or visit


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