While the hale and hearty were revelling in the joys of the Arts Festival Children’s programme, some little ones were not well enough to attend the festivities.
In the tradition of bringing the “Mountains to Mohammed”, a visit to the Paediatric Ward of St Luke’s Hospital for Carlow/Kilkenny – in addition to performing in a conventional venue elsewhere in the city – was made by puppeteer Helena Hugel.
She brought her special brand of theatre to the children in the ward last week, in an exercise arts programme co-ordinator at St Luke’s Aifric Gray says, brought smiles to previously pretty glum little faces and transformed the hospital bed into something wonderful.
Aifric said, “Helena donned her colourful uniform and, introducing herself as” The Bedmaker”, proceeded to make the hospital bed in a very creative way. As she encouraged the children to direct her and the bed to turn into imaginary vehicles, shrieks of glee could be heard coming from the bedrooms!
“ While one family travelled skyward in a carriage drawn by a winged white horse towards the stars, the next family imagined the bed to be a convoluted ‘techno vehicle’, which sped through the universe with the small patient at the helm, assisted by family members forming the crew! Staff members were delighted and said that it was ‘a magical experience’ and that one small patient didn’t seem to notice as a procedure was carried out as Helena engaged the small patient so completely with creative distraction. This transformed their hospital experience into an unforgettable and delightful one.”