The annual Kilkenny Celtic Festival commences next month on Friday, September 25 and runs until Sunday, October 4. The festival brings together an exciting line-up of acts and a vast array of activities throughout its duration, with something to suit all ages and interests. The festival committee are now looking for volunteers (“Fáiltóirí” ), to assist with the smooth running of various events throughout the duration of the festival.
A number of groups from Celtic nations around the world visit Kilkenny to take part in the festival. This year, groups from Galicia, Brittany, England, Scotland and Wales all feature prominently. Some highlights of the festival include a choral concert by visiting and local groups, the staging of the Brian Merriman classic, Cuirt an Mhean Oiche in Rothe House, a senior camogie final played out against the stunning backdrop of the Kilkenny Castle, a Celtic Evening, incorporating performances by all of the visiting groups and followed by a traditional Irish ceilí. In addition to the core elements of the festival, a range of other activities will take place, including an exhibition by the Kilkenny Craft Guild, Irish language lessons, street entertainment, lunch time concerts, live music trail in local pubs, Celtic dance workshops and children’s storytelling.
So if you are interested in becoming a “Fáiltóir” and helping out with the successful production of the festival, please contact Amy Kavanagh on 087 6989313. A briefing event for Fáiltóirí will be carried out prior to the festival.
For further details on the Kilkenny Celtic Festival log onto