With the Kilkenny senior hurling team only weeks away from a possible four-in-a-row All-Ireland title and the chance to take the Liam McCarthy over the Nore once again- the passion is as strong as ever.
Hunger is never ever questioned in the Kilkenny senior hurling panel according to star defender Jackie Tyrrell.
“Our will to win constantly drives our hunger on each year. Careers are short lived in hurling so you take every chance with as much heart as the next and strive on to do your best.”
With either Tipperary or Limerick as their opponents Tyrrell sees Tipperary as the greater threat.
“They are much more consistent this year than Limerick and other teams at present and I would think they have the confidence too. However this Sunday is all to play for and they are both good so it will be a good game to watch.”
While many supporters and fans may have had tense moments watching the semi-final against Waterford, Tyrrell was never in any doubt of the outcome.
“We were always five or so points ahead in the game and while at times they piled on the pressure especially with their late goal, we still managed to keep our control and strive for another win.”
With the game of the year just around the corner this doesn’t ruffle Tyrrell in any way.
“This is just another game to us, we remain focused and naturally hope for another win.”
Don’t mention four-in-a-row though! Tyrrell insists the desire of four-in-a-row isn’t their aim but rather to win another All-Ireland. “We feel as a team once we put our hard work in and play to our best, if we can reach the heights of last year we have a great chance of winning.”
It’s their edge that sets them apart from other teams says Tyrrell. “We’ve been there, done that, we have the experience under our belt and that alone gives us the edge. Our great squad and hunger keeps us on top.”