Mayor Noonan endorses march for peace movement

The March for Peace and Non-violence is a movement standing for international peace and for the eventual abolition of nuclear weapons and also for the protection of all those suffering violence.

Last week Mayor Malcolm Noonan endorsed this movement at the Mayoral Chambers at City Hall.

The movement includes unfair practice at all levels such as unfair dismissal, eviction from homes, discriminatory grant cuts affecting the worst off, domestic violence through money, stress, or any other method.

The endorsement ceremony was filmed by Lisa Heeran from the Young Irish Filmmakers in Kilkenny and will later be displayed on the international website of the World March which currently has some one million members and 1,000 organisations affiliated. The film will also be featured on YouTube.

The World March is represented in Ireland and in Kilkenny by The Peace and Non- Violence Association Ireland.


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