Coillte launches ‘Healthy Forests, Healthy People’ exhibition at MacDonagh Junction, Kilkenny

The launch of the ‘Healthy Forests, Healthy People’ exhibition takes place today - Friday. July 24, at 2pm in the shopping mall area of MacDonagh Junction.

The event will be launched by Kilkenny Mayor Malcolm Noonan.

Coillte District Manager Mick Power will highlight the value of woodlands in your area and invite people to use this resource responsibly to enjoy nature in a healthy and sustainable way.

This exhibition, which is on display in MacDonagh Junction until 6th August, show-cases the environmental and recreational amenity provided by Coillte’s forests including:

More than 150 recreation sites,10 forest parks and over 2,000 km of walking and cycling trails

The Dublin Mountains Partnership (DMP ), established alongside local authorities and recreation users to provide an improved recreation experience on the public lands in the Dublin Mountains

Local project underway - All About Ash - story of ash and hurley making.


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