What's on Tom? is a newly formed amateur theatre company based in Thomastown, Co Kilkenny.
The group aims to stage a programme of new works at The Red Door Theatre as part of the Bridgebrook Arm’s 2009/2010 vibrant entertainment season.
The programme of new works will feature a selection of new short plays, each no more than 10-15 minutes in length. Showcasing new original, dramatic writing, up to six new plays will be staged back to back over the course of each evening’s performance.
Script submissions may be sent in hard copy format to:What's on Tom? Grennan Watermill, Mill Street, Thomastown, Co Kilkenny. All enquiries to whatsontom@gmail.com. Furthermore What's on Tom requires actors for this production and will be holding auditions on Saturday July 25 between 12-6pm at The Red Door Theatre.
Actors and actresses are welcome to prepare one or two pieces, between 1-2 minutes in length. Otherwise choose from a selection of pieces the group has already chosen. Actors must be 18 +.
For further information on auditions, contact Gillian : 086 263 4556 or email whatsontom@gmail.com. Closing date September 11, 2009.