An invitation for Dail Eireann to come and sit in Kilkenny during the Kilkenny 400 celebrations has been turned down.
Mayor Malcolm Noonan told the members of Kilkenny Borough Council that the invitation which had been extended through Minister John O’ Donoghue when he opened the ‘90 years of Dail Eireann’ exhibition held recently at Rothe House, was declined at this month’s meeting of Kilkenny Borough Council.
In a letter to Mayor Noonan, it was stated that ‘there are currently no plans to hold a plenary session of Dail Eireann outside of Leinster House in the current economic climate’.
The respondent also thanked the members for the invitation.
The invitation had been extended as the first Dail sat in Kilkenny when it was the medieval capital of the country in historical times and it was thought that the sitting of the Dail in Kilkenny would aptly mark the Kilkenny 400 celebrations.