Local photographer Maria Dumpny is hosting “Dog Days of Summer” which will be held on July 22 - 25 at her studio on 94 High Street, Kilkenny.
The fundraiser has been organised to help raise donations for the Inistioge Puppy Rescue.
Inistioge Puppy Rescue is a non-profit animal rescue organisation and is a registered charity.
For a donation of €20 people will receive a 30 minute portrait session of their furry friend. Portraits are available from the boutique portrait price list or the a la carte price list.
Proprietor Maria Dunphy, of Maria of Kilkenny, is a highly qualified member of the Irish Professional Photographers' Association, who has won more than 90 awards for excellence in her photography. Her passion is baby portraiture. Her love of her own cavalier King Charles spaniels has inspired her to create her Pet Portrait Collection. ‘Rua’, her own Ruby Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a rescued dog from the Irish Cavalier Rescue.
In 2008 more than €1,000 was raised for the Irish Cavalier Rescue and dogs of all breeds and sizes from chihuahuas to St Bernards were photographed.
It is confidently expected that these days will provide great fun at the studio, a great local news story and above much needed funds for the Inistioge Animal Rescue Centre .
The aim of this rescue centre is to protect against and prevent animal cruelty and abandonment. The shelter provides temporary care for many abandoned dogs, as well as other unwanted pets, until such time as the animals can be suitably re-homed. It has a strict no-kill policy.
For further information please contact the studio at 056 7721012 or email mariaphotography@eircom.net
Contact: Maria Dunphy, Maria of Kilkenny ( formerly Oliver of Kilkenny ), 94 High Street , Kilkenny. 056 7721012 (phone ). email to mariaphotography@eircom.net www.mariaofkilkenny.com