Carlow Approach Road: Moderately Littered. A wide sweeping road with grassy banks which were neatly cut. However, there was a definite litter presence – plastic sheeting, plastic bottles and coffee cups.
Kilkenny Railway Station: Clean to European Norms. This was a very well decorated and cared for facility – it was in impeccable condition.
John Street: Moderately Littered. There was a small, but obvious, litter presence along this shopping street. This was not helped by the existence of some businesses which were shut – there was an air of decay at these premises.
Green Street: Moderately Littered. This is an attractive environment which has been allowed to deteriorate – not only was it littered but some of the low white fencing was broken.
St. Canice Cathedral and Environs: Clean to European Norms. The Cathedral and immediate environs were in spotless condition.
Loreto Secondary School: Clean to European Norms. The built environment, grass / ornamental trees / shrubbery / grounds etc. were in excellent condition – a credit to all who use / maintain the school grounds.
Waterside: Serious Litter Problem. (River bank by Dunnes Stores ). An air of neglect pervaded this site – paint peeling off bollard which was knocked over; poorly maintained grass, graffiti and neglected footpath were all accompanied by heavy levels of a wide variety of litter.
N10 / N9 Waterford Approach Road: Clean to European Norms. This was a good site. Road surface / markings / signage were in excellent condition. Overall impression was very positive.
Loughboy Approach Road: Serious Litter Problem. Poor maintenance of the grass verges has resulted in a build-up of litter – all of it was food related.
R700 New Ross Approach Road: Moderately Littered. The level of litter along this road was such that care needs to be taken to ensure that it doesn’t become a serious litter problem.