This summer do something different and bring your visitors and friends to Rothe House for a special guided tour from Mr and Mrs Rothe themselves.
This unique event will offer visitors a tour of Rothe House and Garden, with John Rothe and Rose Archer in character and full costume every Thursday evening for the summer season, until Thursday August 27.
Meet John Rothe Fitzpiers and his wife, Rose Archer, who will guide you through the house which they built between 1594 and 1610. You can also enjoy some refreshments as you are taken through the history of the house and garden room by room.
The evening begins at 7pm and will last approximately one and a half hours. The evening is intended to cater for visitors to Kilkenny.
It will also attract local people in Kilkenny who may have visitors staying with them, or who are looking for an evening’s entertainment which is a little bit different.
Rehearsals for the event have been going on for several months now and the two characters will be played by local actors, John Coogan and Mary Byrne.
The event was launched last evening (Thursday ) where members of the press were treated to the tour and the amusing dialogue between the humorous John Rothe and his ditzy wife Rose Archer. The event commences for the public on June 25 at 7pm.
The event has been organised by Rothe House manager Roisin McQuillan.
All are welcome and bookings are advised on 7722893. Admission is €10, €7.50 concession and children under 12 are free.