Sinn Fein Councillor Kathleen Funchion made a stand against the election process for the mayoral title and abstained from voting on Monday evening in what was the first vote in her career as a councillor.
She explained her reasons for her abstention as being in protest at the process.
“The mayor could be elected in line with the voting process with the top vote getter becoming mayor for the first year and the following candidates one to five being mayor in the subsequent years with candidates six to ten holding the title of deputy mayor.
“ I took the decision to abstain from this vote as I feel that we should be looking at a different method of electing our mayor in the future,” she said,
She added that she looked forward to representing the people of Kilkenny on everyday issues - ones that are important to ordinary people.
This is the first time Sinn Fein has had representation on the local authority since 1923.