There have been many highs and lows over the past week and I would have thought that the local and Euro elections would have dominated our news pages today, however, unfortunately, two horrendous tragedies take that position.
The news that a young man lost his life in the river Barrow in Graiguenamanagh was a shock to many;mostly to the family of the boy, and the people who witnessed the terrible accident from the river bank.
The sun shone and young people were enjoying a most unusual swim in warm Irish waters but little did they know of the dangers that lurk under the calm surface. A young man who had his life before him got into difficulties and the lives of those who loved him instantly changed forever.
A similar incident was to happen on the banks of the River Nore in Kilkenny city centre just hours later when a young woman went for a swim in the dark waters late at night. Having climbed into the water she got into difficulty and never emerged. Another family left devastated at the loss of their little girl.
Plenty of discussion has taken place over the past few days of summer sun on the dangers of jumping off John’s Bridge in the city and most people were in agreement - it is too dangerous. Young children to young adults are hurling themselves from quite a height, not knowing the dangers that lie below. None of the deaths in the river this week are as a result of this activity it should be pointed out but it should also be noted that the water is dangerous however you enter it if there is no life guard on duty. Parents should be vigilant during the summer months not to allow their children to swim unless there is proper supervision. Young adults should know that the danger of water cannot be underestimated
Two families are currently inconsolable as a result of the drowning of their loved ones. Let it be a lesson to us all. It is too late for those who have died but it has to warn others that water is a force to be reckoned with and the meagre mortal will never win in a battle against nature.
On to more light-hearted subject matter, the elections take place today and everybody should get out and vote for who they would like to represent them in their local council. I know there is a lot of criticism of politicians of late but in fairness to the local politicians, they have had a tough campaign this year. Most of them do a very good job and are dedicated to representing the people of Kilkenny. It is a vocation for many and not just a job. You really have to want it to attempt to get it and most of our candidates want it for the right reasons. As regards the European elections - vote for our local representatives - there are an unprecedented three Kilkenny people standing and let’s hope John Paul, Liam and Kathleen will scoop at least two of the seats available. Liam has a track record and we all know the hard work of our local senator. This is his second big campaign and let’s hope he can do it this time and represent us at European level. Kathleen Funchion is once again running for election for the local authority and for Europe and we also wish her well.
There is a weekend of counting ahead and although it will be long and drawn out - it will be extremely exciting for us anoraks who can’t wait to see the outcome of the big count.
Good luck to one and all. May the best men and women win the seats!
Naoise Coogan Editor