Alyward MEP to fight for Leinster farmers in Europe

Fianna Fáil MEP for Ireland East, Liam Aylward has pledged that if he gets re-elected to Europe, he will continue to fight for Leinster farmers.

In a statement to the Kilkenny Advertiser, Mr Aylward said that this is a critical time for Leinster farmers in Brussels.

“The budget for the CAP health check is coming under review and it sets out how money will be allocated to different sectors in agriculture. It includes measures relating to milk quotas, market supports, additional funding for farm payments, rural development and reducing bureaucracy. We need to ensure that Ireland is at the heart of these discussions between the European Commission, the European Parliament and the member states. The agreement is due to be finalised in 2011.

Mr Aylward said that Fianna Fáil has shown a strong commitment to Irish farmers and will continue to work hard to ensure that Ireland receives the same level of support in the next period of the CAP 2014-2021.

“Ireland is getting €1.8 billion a year in CAP payments. We have to be realistic about these negotiations. Fianna Fáil has throughout the years built up strong political alliances in the agricultural sector in Europe. We have an excellent working relationship with the EU Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development Marian Fischer Boel. We are constantly engaging with the European institutions in an effort to reduce red tape from the administration of many CAP related initiatives. Unnecessary administrative burdens must be eliminated.

In conclusion, Mr Aylward pointed out that Irish MEPs are able to influence the key decision makers to ensure that the interests of Irish farmers, their families, rural Ireland and the Irish food sector are fully protected.


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