Mythika — myths and legends come alive at MacDonagh Junction

Mythika! It may sound like a heavy metal band but this group of 10 to 12 year olds from Kilkenny Youth Theatre will be charming you with their devised performance Mythika, based on an intercultural mix of myths and legends. This colourful piece will be performed in MacDonagh Junction’s Workhouse Square at 11.30am and 1pm this Saturday, May 16 and all are welcome.

The entire piece was devised by the KYT’s junior group, part of Barnstorm Theatre Company’s exciting outreach programme. ‘The inspiration comes from ancient stories and legends such as Pandora’s Box, Fir Bolg, Tuatha de Dannan, and The End of the World. It’s like a history of the world in 15 minutes!” says Keith Raven, director of Mythika.

Myths and stories twist and twirl through this fast paced performance from Ireland, ancient Greece, Poland and more, and reflect the multicultural make up of this young group. The piece follows hot on the heels of KYT’s senior group who performed to full houses last week with their popular production of Burying Your Brother in the Pavement.

Mythika will be the junior KYT’s first public performance and has been developed with the opportunities presented by the unusual space in Workhouse Square. It is also a great location to appreciate the performance of these brave young actors while enjoying a coffee.

Director, Keith Raven, also said: “We’re grateful to MacDonagh Junction for allowing us use the space. It’s quite an atmospheric site, considering the workhouse was originally built in 1840, and the air of former times that exudes from the restored workhouse walls sits well with Mythika.”

Each performance lasts for 15 minutes and there is no cover charge or tickets needed. All are welcome.


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