Barnstorm Theatre Company seeks actors for new ensemble

Barnstorm is looking for actors who can work within an ensemble and show strength and diversity in their performance. Actors who are open to all possibilities in the creative process, have the ability to incorporate ideas -their own, fellow company members and target audiences.

The company will hold intensive audition workshops throughout May for this ensemble. Barnstorm Theatre Company hopes to develop the skills of three to five actors over the next three years. The company proposes to start with an initial nine month period in experimenting with nurturing actors’ skills in a number of projects within the company’s programme. Key moments in the initial nine months for the actors will include:

Training - introduction and/or intensive training inputs in various aspects of theatre from puppetry, physical theatre/movement; devising; percussion/music; commedia dell’arte etc.

Devising - creating a story project: The devising of a production based on local children’s writing, in collaboration with a writer(s ).

New Play Development - Working with two playwrights on the development of their original scripts for specific audiences.

Productions - an intimate show for four to seven-year-olds in The Barn and on national tour - a main-house production for 8-12 year olds in the Watergate Theatre and national tour. Laboratory-opportunities for the company to explore style and form in the Saturday Club at The Barn (presenting experimental work to local children and families ).

If you are interested in this project contact Artistic Director, Philip Hardy by e-mail or contact (056 ) 7751266.


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