Government is afraid of John McGuinness, says Eugene

The Taoiseach Brian Cowen is afraid of John McGuinness and those like him says Independent candidate Eugene McGuinness.

He was speaking in the wake of the axing of Deputy John McGuinness from his position as Minister of State for Enterprise and Trade.

Eugene McGuinness was also angry at reports that he was ‘capitalising on the campaigns’ of John or Andrew McGuinness which he said was completely untrue.

“ I have never said anything derogatory about my brother or Andrew. Newspaper reports to that effect were untrue and that is why I took the opportunity to clarify my position on local radio. I am canvassing as an independent and as one house I canvassed remarked ‘you are indeed your father’s son. For Grassroots to suggest that my Dad would turn in his grave for something I’m doing is disgraceful. He would have supported me in my campaign.”

Eugene is very proud of his father’s legacy and grew up as ‘an apprentice politician.’

“I worked very closely with my dad and he was also fiercely independent and I don’t think he would have survived this government either.

“One of the reasons I want to be an independent is so that I will never be treated like John McGuinness was treated by his party. I admire John for every effort he has made and for trying to effect change. He is a very hard-working politician. Our policies may be somewhat similar but the difference between me and John is that I don’t want Brian Cowen telling me what to say. I want to be able to say what I want without Brian Cowen telling me to shut up, John’s stance now vindicates my decision to stand as an independent”

“To clarify, I want to reiterate that I am not attempting to cash in on my brother’s hard work. I work for myself and I have my own policies, and I shoot from the hip,” he concluded.


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